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  • Intelligent digital display pressure switch NY35 series
  • Intelligent digital display pressure switch NY35 series
  • Intelligent digital display pressure switch NY35 series
  • Intelligent digital display pressure switch NY35 series
Intelligent digital display pressure switch NY35 series Intelligent digital display pressure switch NY35 series Intelligent digital display pressure switch NY35 series Intelligent digital display pressure switch NY35 series

Intelligent digital display pressure switch NY35 series

  • Brand:ZANKE
  • Model:
  • Description:Apressureswitchisaformofswitchthatclosesanelectricalcontactwhenacertainsetfluidpressurehasbeenreachedonitsinput.Theswitchmaybedesignedtomakecontacteitheronpressureriseoronpressurefall.Pressureswitchesarewidelyusedinindustrytoautomaticallysu
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Intelligent digital display pressure switch NY35 series
Mechanical Pressure Switch Sensor NY30 Series
Mechanical Pressure Switch Sensor NY30 Series
A pressure switch for sensing fluid pressure contains a capsule, bellows, Bourdon tube, diaphragm or piston element that deforms or displaces proportionally to the applied pressure. The resulting motion is applied, either directly or through amplifying levers, to a set of switch contacts. Since pressure may be changing slowly and contacts should operate quickly, some kind of over-center mechanism such as a miniature snap-action switch is used to ensure quick operation of the contacts.

For more product detailsand purchases, please contact E-mail:noike009@foxmail.com / noike009@163.com