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  • Electrode type liquid level switch WP-DJ type
  • Electrode type liquid level switch WP-DJ type
Electrode type liquid level switch WP-DJ type Electrode type liquid level switch WP-DJ type

Electrode type liquid level switch WP-DJ type

  • Brand:ZANKE
  • Model:WP-DJ
  • Description:Alevelswitch,alsocommonlyreferredtoasafloatswitch,isadevicethatsensesthelevelofaliquidinawatertank.Itisaspecializedtypeofpressureswitch,whichiscapableofsensingpressurewithaplastictube. Electrode type liquid level switch WP-DJ type NOIKE pro
  • Online Consultation
Electrode type liquid level switch WP-DJ type
Electrode type liquid level switch WP-DJ type
Stainless steel electrode type integrated liquid level switch
Stainless steel electrode type integrated liquid level switch
NOIKE provides reed switch reliability in numerous standard and custom configurations for liquid level switch applications. Our liquid level switches can be arranged to have the switching element quot;closequot; or quot;openquot; on fall of liquid level. Switch orientation options include horizontal and vertical (top or bottom entry), depending upon the configuration chosen. Materials include Plastic housing and aluminum alloy explosion-proof housing. All of our housings have at least IP-65 enclosure rating and both external and internal fit sensors are available.

For more product detailsand purchases, please contact E-mail:noike009@foxmail.com / noike009@163.com