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  • Integrated  Ultrasonic Level Sensors
  • Integrated  Ultrasonic Level Sensors
  • Integrated  Ultrasonic Level Sensors
Integrated  Ultrasonic Level Sensors Integrated  Ultrasonic Level Sensors Integrated  Ultrasonic Level Sensors

Integrated Ultrasonic Level Sensors

  • Brand:ZANKE
  • Model:
  • Description:Ultrasonic level sensors are used to detect the levels of sticky liquid substances and bulkiness materials as well. They are worked by producing audio waves at the range of frequency from 20 to 200 kHz. These waves are then replicated back
  • Online Consultation
Ultrasonic level sensors are used to detect the levels of sticky liquid substances and bulkiness materials as well. They are worked by producing audio waves at the range of frequency from 20 to 200 kHz. These waves are then replicated back to a transducer. The ultrasonic sensorrsquo;s response is influenced by turbulence, pressure, moisture, and temperature. In addition, the transducer is necessary to be increased appropriately to obtain a better response.

Integrated Ultrasonic Level Sensors
Pros and Cons
Compact, cost-effective
Invasive, numbers of users are limited
The ultrasonic level sensors are used to control the liquid level, fine-grained solids within mining and powders, food and beverage industries and chemical processing.
For more product detailsand purchases, please contact E-mail:noike009@foxmail.com / noike009@163.com