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  •  NFM110 Liquid Turbine Flowmeter Sensor
  •  NFM110 Liquid Turbine Flowmeter Sensor
  •  NFM110 Liquid Turbine Flowmeter Sensor
 NFM110 Liquid Turbine Flowmeter Sensor  NFM110 Liquid Turbine Flowmeter Sensor  NFM110 Liquid Turbine Flowmeter Sensor

NFM110 Liquid Turbine Flowmeter Sensor

  • Brand:ZANKE
  • Model:NFM110
  • Description:A turbine flow meter is a volume sensing device. As liquid or gas passes through the turbine housing, it causes the freely suspended turbine blades to rotate. The velocity of the turbine rotor is directly proportional to the velocity of the
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A turbine flow meter is a volume sensing device. As liquid or gas passes through the turbine housing, it causes the freely suspended turbine blades to rotate. The velocity of the turbine rotor is directly proportional to the velocity of the fluid passing through the flow meter.
The external pickoff mounted on the body of the flow meter, senses each rotor blade passing, causing the sensor to generate a frequency output. The frequency is directly proportional to the volume of the liquid or gas.
Either a magnetic or modulated carrier (RF) pickup can be used to sense the rotational speed of the turbine rotor.
Accuracy is generally expressed as a percentage of true volume, measuring how close the instrument indicates actual flow.
Repeatability is determined on how well the flow meter can indicate the same reading whenever the same flow conditions exist. It also ensures quality measurement of fluids over a wide range of flow rates, temperatures, compositions and viscosities.
Depending on the type of turbine flow meter, the specifications vary.

NFM110LiquidTurbine Flowmeter Sensor
Technical Parameters
1) Accuracy reaching ±0.2%Fmiddot;S.
2) Short-term repeatability reaching 0.05%~0.2%.
3) Output pulse frequency signal, which is suitable for gross metering and connection to the computer. No zero drift and strong anti-interference capability.
4) 3-4kHz frequency signal , and high signal resolution.
5) Wide range with 1:20 for medium and large caliber, 1:10 for small caliber.
6) Compact and light structure, convenient installation and maintenance, great capability.
7) Suitable for measuring high pressure. Easy to be made into high-pressure meter.
8) Various kinds of specified sensors.

NFM110GasTurbine Flowmeter Sensor
How to chose:
Depending on your flow meter application, there are many types of turbine flow meters to choose from. And after understanding the application several factors come into effect when choosing a flow meter, such as:
Fluid Type、Viscosity、Connection、Pipe Sizing、Process Temperature (min amp; max)、Flow Range (min amp; max)、Pressure Range (min amp; max)、Accuracy Range、Specific Application.
If you need volumetric total flow and/or flow rate measurement, a turbine flow meter is the ideal device. Turbine flow meters are used in a wide variety of liquid and gas flow sensing applications. They can be built to endure high pressure, and high and low temperatures. They offer a high turn-down with minimum uncertainty and excellent repeatability. Turbine flowmeters are also simple to install and maintain only requiring periodic recalibration and service.
For more product detailsand purchases, please contact E-mail:noike009@foxmail.com / noike009@163.com